6 Ways to get into a Spring Mindset
I am so excited! Minnesota just had the warmest weekend since the winter started. I am ready for Spring. I am ready for flowers and warmer weather. I am ready for sunshine and walking outside. I am already preparing for Spring in so many ways. Now that we’ve gained an hour of sunshine during the day, I’m excited to jump into longer days. I dislike winter. If I had it my way, I would live in a moderate climate all year round. That’s not possible right now so I’m taking the opportunity to be grateful and prepare for Spring! Here are six ways to get in the Spring spirit.
- Start Planting Now
I don’t have a very green thumb. I love plants, especially flowers but taking care of them is not my strong suit. I’ve heard that it’s important to start planting now because things will have a chance to sprout by the time it gets warm. I’m taking this time to go to greenhouses and repot my plants from last year. Here’s to hoping for plantlife come April.
- Spring Cleaning
I know that people aren’t a big fan of cleaning but it’s important. Winter is time for hibernation and we take that time to hoard. I like to clear out my closets and do a deep clean of my house. It makes everything fresh and I can change my winter scents into spring ones.
- Get Outside
Winter traps us indoors and it’s time to start venturing out into the great outdoors. It may still be a bit chilly but this is strategic. The more time you spend outside now, the warmer it will feel in a month. That way you’re ahead of the curve. Maybe that doesn’t work….eh it’s worth a try. Either way, go get some vitamin D! You need it.
- Appreciate Your Surroundings
Winter can bring our moods down. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see the sunshine. As the snow melts, I love taking in all that my surroundings have to offer. Take time to be grateful for three things every time you go outside. This will get you in the right mindset for Spring and Summer!
- Brighten Up Your Wardrobe
These past few months have been full of dark colors and it’s finally time to be bright. Break out that pop of color that you’ve stored away. Rid yourself of those maroons and olive greens, pull out your pinks and purples. Those are the only colors I have in my wardrobe but the concept still stands. This can go beyond your wardrobe too! Brighten up your house or office space. Anything that puts you in a good mood.
- Go See Friends
In the winter, I’m often dragging myself out. Who wants to get out of the house when there’s a windchill of -15? Answer, not me. It’s time to go see some friends. Take the time to catch up. It may still be hot chocolate weather but you can dream of the iced coffee you’ll have in a few months. If you’re having trouble getting outside, ask someone to go on a hike with you. Do something to get out of the house. Shake off the winter and burst into spring.
I could jump up and down. It hasn’t been a long winter and I’m sure there’s another cold front coming but I’m ecstatic that Spring is on the way. I love to smell the fresh air. Having my windows open and feeling the breeze is rejuvenating. As my hip continues to heal, I can go for longer walks! I can’t wait to go on runs with Crush. Today I’m going to toss the ball around for Crush in the backyard, he’s just as excited for the warm weather. Mostly because I will go outside more. Anyway, I hope you’re getting as pumped for Spring as I am. I hope your week is going well and you’ve counted what you’re grateful for today!