• Helpful Hints

    How to Set the Tone for Relaxation

    I’ve been working really hard on relaxing lately. After getting out of my pattern, I’ve felt an excess of tension. In order to combat this, I started doing these things to help me relax at the end of the night. This is what works for me. Let me know if you have any tips of your own! Tea I love settling down with a cup of tea at the end of the night. It helps me hit the reset button really quickly. It also helps me to slow down. When I drink something hot, it’s almost impossible to drink it with any type of speed. Therefore, I’m much more aware…

  • Helpful Hints,  My Experience

    Your Language Matters

    Language is so important in our everyday life. Communication of any kind is how we fulfill our needs as humans. Language matters. I come across people talking about themselves very negatively. Sometimes it’s not even negative. They’re words that perpetuate a message of intolerance towards issues we all face. One of the most blatant examples I come across people saying things like “I hate my body” or “my body is broken.” I’ve talked about this before but I want to explain why I think this is so toxic. How we talk about ourselves is often how we allow other people to treat us. If we degrade ourselves, other people may…

  • My Experience

    My Medication Philosophy

    Let me start off by saying, this is how I handle using medication. It is right for me and my body. I’m not suggesting that this is right for everyone or that it is a universal truth. I don’t want to offend or infer that others are overusing their medication. I don’t deal with chronic pain and cannot speak to that experience AT ALL. That is completely different from what I am talking about. This is what is right for me. My view on medication has changed over the years. It’s grown, as I have. When I was young, I didn’t handle discomfort well. I chose to take medication whenever…

  • Helpful Hints,  My Experience,  My Opinions

    My Favorite Meditations from Insight Timer

    I love Insight Timer, I have it as an app on my phone. It’s got thousands of meditations of different lengths and content. Lots of different creators with different approaches. All around, I haven’t found any issues with this app. In fact, I recommend it to everyone. That being said, I thought I’d give a list of my favorite meditations so if you’re starting out you have a place to begin! There are links below to the app store and google play. Apple App Store or Google Play Store For Stress and Anxiety: Allowing Your Thoughts to Flow by Lama Yeshe Rabgye (12 minutes) Radical Acceptance by Chad Foreman (21…

  • Helpful Hints

    Self Care: 101

    I have been doing a little extra self care lately. This looks different depending on your lifestyle. These are some of my self care tips and I hope they help you find a self care routine. We could all use a little extra love in this time of quarantine. It might as well come from the person who should love you the most, yourself! Take a Bath I hadn’t taken a bath in years. I used to take at least one a day. The other week my muscles were sore, my hip was hurting and the chiropractor wasn’t an option. I decided it was time to revisit the idea of…

  • Helpful Hints

    Finding Self Love in Quarantine

    This is a stressful time in the world. It seems that people are ready to snap at the drop of a hat. I’ve found that although we are distant, our reach through social media can start many arguments. During this time, we should be practicing self love. We can’t always influence people’s opinions, even when they’re hurtful. It’s important to distance yourself from negative attitudes. Put effort into your relationship with yourself. It always seems simple, until we start to focus on it. Here are some of my best tips for practicing self love during quarantine… Write Down What You Love About Yourself Before I go to bed and before…

  • Helpful Hints

    Confronting Fear and Anxiety

    Confronting fear is something I aspire to do well. Currently, fear gets a hold of me all too often. It’s easy to let it in. Then without warning, it sets up camp in your mind and it feels impossible to evict it. Dealing with fear requires practice. There’s never going to be a time that we don’t experience fear. It’s what we do in the face of it that matters. In my life, fear can be a moment by moment experience. In the past, it’s been easy to lose my whole day to fear and anxiety. Now, I take it one step at a time. Some days are more difficult…

  • Helpful Hints

    Why Meditation is Key

    I love meditation. It’s something I found by accident, I started off with the app Headspace and evolved from there. When I first started, it was a challenge. I wasn’t meditating consistently and I wasn’t seeing any results. When I chose to start, I did it because it was something my doctors suggested. Being the dutiful patient I am, I ran with it. Well, at first I limped with it. Slowly, I got up to walking speed and now I’m finally running with it. I think there’s a stigma around meditation. We all have this grand idea that within one session we will have found enlightenment. It only takes the…

  • Helpful Hints

    Finding Tools for Relaxation

    Although, I’ve already written articles about relaxation and recharging. It’s important to talk about tools for relaxation. It’s difficult for some of us to let go of what’s on our minds to meditate or breathe. Sometimes buying relaxation aids can be the first step in our relaxation journey. Here are some of the best tools for relaxation. A Coloring Book Coloring can be very relaxing. It can often allow us to shut off our brain and think about something less taxing. For me, buying coloring books that are specifically for relaxation didn’t help me. I like coloring books geared towards topics I enjoy, my favorite is my Bob’s Burgers coloring…

  • Helpful Hints

    Gift Ideas for the Spoonie in Your Life

    Getting the perfect gift for anyone is difficult. I’ve been told that since getting sick, I’m more difficult to buy for. I don’t believe that to be true but I suppose I’m not usually buying gifts for myself. Often, the things that us spoonies want is not something that can be bought. It’s always best to get a gift that speaks to someone’s soul. Here are some great gift options for the spoonie in your life. Oil Diffuser and Essential Oils I love my oil diffuser. I often use it at night with some relaxation oils but it’s a great option for anyone who isn’t sensitive to smells. This is…