• Helpful Hints

    Creating a Bedtime Routine

    Sleep is so important. I mean, of course, it is. I hear people all the time in both the chronic illness community and not talk about their lack of sleep. Personally, I sleep like a baby. That doesn’t come without a lot of work though. I had to create a pattern for good sleep hygiene. Since this is something everyone needs, I thought I would create a guide so you can create your own routine. That way we can all get a good night’s rest to start our days off right! Stop Using Your Phone Now, I’m not going to tell you to stop using your phone in bed. For…

  • Helpful Hints

    Cultivating a Healing Atmosphere

    Healing is something sacred to me. It comes in many forms. Physically, healing is rarely able to take full effect, although it does show up here and there. In a mental sense, healing is all around me. I try to surround myself with an ora of peace. It’s much easier said than done. Starting off on this journey was very difficult. How do you go from frustration, anger, and confusion to healing? It starts with what you immerse yourself in. Anything from pop culture to your environment; it comes into play when cultivating a healing atmosphere. So you’re likely thinking, “Where do I start?” Excellent question! Here’s how I started…