• My Experience

    I Reacted to the Covid Vaccine

    If you read my blog article on Wednesday, you know that I’m officially vaccinated. If not, you already probably guessed by the title that I am fully vaccinated. I had a lot of reservations about getting it due to my extensive history of allergic reactions. Ultimately, I knew that getting the vaccine was the best decision for me. I feel extremely lucky that I didn’t have anaphylaxis. That was by far my biggest fear. I made it through the fifteen minute screening processes. I left the facility feeling a bit invincible. Slowly, that feeling started to turn into panic. After about thirty minutes, my entire body started itching. I didn’t…

  • My Experience

    Why I Chose To Get Vaccinated

    I am officially vaccinated! I cannot believe it, I’m so excited. I received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and as of today, I am considered fully vaccinated. This decision came with a lot of back and forth for me. I wasn’t sure whether I should get it or not. Not because I didn’t want it but because there was a question about whether I would have an allergic reaction. After being hospital free for over a year, the prospect of having a reaction was terrifying. Ultimately, I had to make the choice. After getting a job, it was clear that the risk of being exposed daily seemed too high. A…

  • My Experience

    Will I Get The Covid Vaccine

    I have gotten this question a lot lately. The short answer is, I don’t know. My history of allergies is a tick in the no column. However, I’m also in a high risk category which puts a tick in the yes column. It’s difficult to say what the right choice would be. With anything covid related, no one really knows the long term effects. After a conversation with my doctor, it comes down to a risk/benefit analysis. Previous to a conversation with my Dysautonomia International group, I said no way. I didn’t want to risk another round of anaphylaxis. More emotional trauma and the risk of putting myself back medically…

  • My Experience

    Why I’m Getting A Job

    I’ve been adamant throughout the pandemic that I didn’t want to get a job. With my health, it seemed foolish to put myself in a direct line of fire. The reality is, I can survive without a job. I have the luxury of family support and student loans, but that only gets me so far. Dreaming of graduate school has put life into perspective for me. I will have to get a job. I will have to navigate working life and school. I’d rather work out the kinks of that when I have a soft place to land rather than when I’m away from home. I have a lot of…

  • My Experience

    The Future

    My plans for the future have been completely uprooted by covid. At the start of 2020, I had every intention of applying to four or five programs in Canada for graduate school. During the fall, I made the extremely difficult decision to take a step back. My life has been turbulent in the past few years. It no longer made sense to challenge myself in that way. I still wanted to go to graduate school. Instead of applying to multiple programs, I decided to apply to only one. This choice came with a lot of heartache and grief. Now, the world is starting to look different once again. I am…

  • Helpful Hints

    Ways to Celebrate The Holidays in Quarantine

    I have been really struggling with how to make Christmas feel special in quarantine. Thanksgiving was difficult. I was alone and didn’t have anything to do. I ended up decorating the house for Christmas. I was grateful I could do that at the very least. Looking at Christmas, I wanted to write out a list for how I could make this truly feel like a holiday. Even if it won’t look like any of the years previous. Holiday Music When I think about the best way to get in the holiday spirit, music is the first thing that comes to mind. Whether you’re in the mood for it or not,…

  • Helpful Hints,  My Experience

    Dealing With Decision Fatigue

    Lately, I’ve gotten a lot of slack for being indecisive about small things. I will be the first to admit that this is not my favorite quality about myself. I am incredibly driven and know what I want out of the next twenty years. However, when it comes to what I want for dinner, it takes me almost twenty years to decide. There’s a reason for this. It’s driven by decision fatigue. In the world of anxiety, decision fatigue is quite common. I used to struggle with this a lot during high school. The more I got my anxiety under control, the more decisive I became. Now, covid has driven…

  • Helpful Hints

    Creating an Online School Schedule

    I have been doing online classes for a long time. I’ve done it both for high school and several semesters in college. It can be difficult to find your groove with online school. Especially if you have no prior experience. Creating a schedule for yourself is the first step to success. It’s important to set and reach goals weekly to keep yourself on track and thriving. Here are some easy ways to make a school schedule that works for you. Start Your Day off Right This is vital for me. It’s important to wake up at the same time everyday during your week. Even if you don’t have classes, this…