• Helpful Hints

    Ways You Can Grow

    We all have different ways we want to grow. It may be academic, physically, mentally, or emotionally. I can’t think of one person that couldn’t benefit from growing a bit. Too often, we look at others and make judgements about their shortcomings. Instead, I say we all take a bit of time to reflect and grow a bit ourselves. Where do we start? Right here! Reflect This is simple. Yet, we overlook it because to do the actual work is difficult. Reflecting at the end of the day is a great place to start. Ask yourself, what did you do well? It’s like a compliment sandwich. You want to acknowledge…

  • Helpful Hints,  My Experience

    Tips and Tricks for Dealing with OCD

    Dealing with OCD is an interesting experience. For most of my life, I was unaware of the fact that my anxiety was obsessive compulsive disorder. Having intrusive thoughts is a normal part of life but for individuals with OCD there’s a hyper focus on them. I can spend literal hours doing mental gymnastics. I repeat phrases to myself and try to ensure my own or others safety. The reality of living with OCD can be somewhat harsh. The only way to truly beat or overcome OCD is to endure. This is a therapy known as Exposure and Response Prevention. The therapy consists of exposing yourself to your fear. Then you…

  • My Experience

    Finding My Footing (Literally)

    The past two years have been a wild roller coaster. It’s been ups and downs, while my medical problems ebbed and flowed. I am finally (almost) two months without an angioedema episode. Although it may be too early to celebrate, I can’t help but feel excited. Since getting surgery, I am full of hope. Maybe it’s the stress that has slowly dissipated. Both of my surgeries are complete and recovery has been going well for both. I can honestly say I never imagined myself in this situation but that’s okay.  I’m not under the assumption that life would come without it’s trials and tribulations. I think what I’m trying to…

  • My Experience

    Setting Boundaries and Learning to Grow

    I’ve always been good at setting boundaries. It’s one of the first things I learned in therapy, way back when. It can be difficult to learn what is a boundary and what is selfish. When I was taught about boundaries, it was about discovering what you can handle. Stepping back and asking yourself, is this my emotion? What emotions belong to another individual? As I grew with this concept it continued to develop. I learned that indulging others for fear of their anger was not acting in my own best interest. In a general sense, setting boundaries has helped shape me as a person. When I was young, I struggled…