Links To Help You Understand OCD
There are large misconceptions out there about what OCD is. It’s often associated with cleaning, neatness, and organization. That can be true and accurate for some people with OCD. However, there’s a large variance in types of OCD. Here are some links to help you understand OCD and what someone is going through. It’s often best to listen and ask questions. Be patient but most of all don’t pry. If someone doesn’t want to share, that’s their right. If they want help, they’ll ask for it.
If you’re going to watch any video, watch this one. Most people with OCD that I know struggle with intrusive thoughts. Even if they have outward compulsions, they get into mental rumination patterns. Ideally, you’d watch all of these videos but I know that is time consuming. I’d highly suggest ERP. It’s extremely helpful. I still have intrusive thoughts daily. My response and rumination is significantly diminished though.
This breaks down OCD relatively well. It helps dispel the difference between the adjective that people use as OCD and the real diagnosable disorder that plaques me and a select population. Just a friendly reminder, OCD is VERY treatable. ERP works very well and finding an OCD therapist or group is life changing.
This video is just a general sentiment to what diagnostic criteria you have to meet to be diagnosed. This therapist specializes in self harm and eating disorders. That is why she talks about that connection. Not everyone has all of those things. For me, I only have OCD. Although, it’s quite common for people with OCD to have more than one diagnosis. She suggests CBT therapy which is great in general. Most OCD patients go through ERP or exposure therapy is proven the most effective.
Finally, this is a short video that explains why using OCD as an adjective is so hurtful.
I hope that these videos give you a better sense of what OCD is. A friendly reminder that it’s kind to empathize or sympathize with a loved one dealing with OCD. Remember that the person is on their own journey. They likely are working very hard daily to combat OCD and anxiety. It’s not your job to fix or remind them that it’s their OCD. Be there to listen. That’s likely the best thing you can do for someone who is struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
I hope that your day is going well. I hope that your day is filled with joy, positivity, and laughter. I hope you find peace, love, and happiness.