Appreciating What I Have
I’ve been struck lately by how grateful I am. Everywhere I turn, there is something to appreciate. I thought I would list some here in hopes that you too can find gratitude everywhere you look. It has made me undeniably happier. Being grateful and appreciating what you have is such a gift. It’s a simple reminder of all that’s going well. It’s appreciating what you have and not holding onto what you don’t. It’s a blessing. Here are some things that I am grateful for.
- You!
This blog has been such an amazing experience. It gives me a space to share my journey, help others, and sometimes vent a little bit. The amount of love and support I have received is nothing short of incredible. I feel overwhelmed by all the well wishes from not only my family and friends but strangers. I’m so glad to have this platform to meet so many inspiring and phenomenal people. I’m able to connect with individuals I wouldn’t have ever thought to previously. Thank you!
- My Health
My health may not be perfect. It’s far from ideal but I am so lucky to have the resources I do. I have been able to avoid significant diagnostic delays. I have met wonderful specialists that have held my hand through various treatments. In comparison to my peers with chronic illness, my journey has been a smooth ride. That isn’t to say that I don’t acknowledge my own traumas and difficulties, but I’m grateful for my experience.
- Crush
How could I not mention Crush? Crush has changed my life so significantly. He’s made everything easier. He saved my life within two weeks of coming home. He has alerted me to countless episodes of angioedema. He helps me get around everyday and he’s also my best friend. I can’t thank Can Do Canines enough for giving me such an incredible gift. He puts a smile on my face everyday.
- My Education
There are so many places in the world in which people do not have access to education. I have been to a different academic institution every year of my degree. This year is the first year I will be at a school for two consecutive years. I can’t help but feel blessed to be receiving an education from such a fantastic school. On top of that, I will graduate on time despite my trials and tribulations of chronic illness. That is on top of transferring so many times as well. I have been able to have so many different experiences that all served a great purpose in my life.
- Personal Growth
It wouldn’t be right to appreciate my physical health without acknowledging my mental health. I have had a wonderful experience with both my OCD therapist as well as my personal therapist. I am grateful to have been diagnosed with OCD so I could receive proper treatment. I’m shocked that I have been able to find such amazing people to aid me on my journey of personal growth. I’ve learned so much about myself and have really come to appreciate the progress I’m making.
This list could go on forever. There are so many things in this world I am grateful for. I have found that gratitude journaling has been the greatest gift to my life. Even in my darkest hours, I see hope and can give thanks for all that is working for me. There is never a moment since I started in which I have questioned whether it was worth it. Thank you for reading. I hope you have an amazing day!