My Goals for 2021
On Wednesday, I looked at my goals for 2020. I’m happy to say that I met almost all of them with flying colors. I don’t necessarily believe in New Years Resolutions. However, I think it’s important to always have goals and strive to meet them. Once again, I will write my goals out for outward accountability. I will push the boundaries of what I feel comfortable doing in order to become the best version of myself.
Goals for my personal life:
My number one goal for 2021 is to graduate college. I’m on track to receive my BA in the Summer. I’d also like to finish my application to graduate school. Whether I go this year or not is not my goal but I’d like to complete my application in order to know all of my opportunities. I’d like to continue dating. I’d also like to continue to reach out to old friends as well as make new ones. I’d like to put my focus and energy into people who return that focus and energy. I strive to believe in myself and my dreams every day.
Goals for my mental health:
I’d like to continue on my mental health journey. I intend to continue treatment for both my OCD and general mental health. I will strive to continue my gratitude journal but to not be so rigid about it’s parameters. I’d like to put an emphasis on pushing the boundaries of what I believe I can do. To me, this means I will be open to new opportunities and not deny them based on fear.
Goals for my physical health:
Once again, this is a difficult category. I would like to continue my training in running after my next hip surgery. I’d like to meet basic needs for my body daily. This looks like drinking enough water and eating enough salt. This year I plan to put more of an emphasis on listening to my body and it’s needs daily and within each moment.
I’m really proud of the accomplishments I had in 2020. In an effort to push myself even further I’m adding on five things I’d like to do in 2021. I haven’t cleared all of these things with my doctor. I’m not totally sure they’re possible but in my ideal world I’d like to do the following in 2021:
-go skydiving
-go camping
-attend concerts
-go back to CT to see my friends
-continue disability advocacy with Crush by my side
Most of those goals are completely dependent on covid. I’d like to believe that even if they don’t look “normal” I could do all of those things in 2021. I don’t know where this next year will take me. I am so excited to find out and I can’t wait to tell you all about it along the way!
I hope you’re having an amazing day. I hope your day is filled with joy, laughter, and positivity. I hope you find peace, love, and happiness.