I Got A New Job
I have some very exciting news to share! I got a new job! For those of you who don’t know, I currently work at a senior living facility. I absolutely love my current job. I find it more fulfilling than I ever would’ve imagined. That being said, I have recently graduated college. I find it necessary to start my career within the field of disability studies. Although my degree is in theatre my goal has been within the last few years to meld the two fields into one. I want to use theatre as an apparatus to address and create change within the world of disabilities. So what is my new job?
I am going to be an employment specialist. I will work diligently to connect employers and clients together. I will create a positive and dynamic working relationship. Specifically, my clients will be persons with disabilities. This job spoke to me immediately. I knew that a job such as this would give me the jumpstart I wanted into the field of disability services.
I start this new position the second week of July. I would’ve liked to start a bit sooner. The timing gives me an opportunity to settle into my apartment before starting something new. I anticipate a fair amount of anxiety starting this new job. I feel the weight of excitement and anticipation already. All of that emotion is extremely positive. I’m still aware of the toll that such significant change takes on the body and the brain.
I think this job will be a perfect fit for me. I couldn’t help but burst when asked about my passions and intentions within the field. This company also teaches theatre classes to those with disabilities. I find that equally exciting and intriguing. Although Minnesota is not where I wanted to stay, I think this is a great opportunity. I would like to settle in and grow within the circumstances I’m in, even if they are not what I hoped they would be.
As I said before, I find my current job extremely fulfilling. This transition is difficult from a multitude of standpoints. Currently, I’d like to continue both jobs. There is some concern in my mind of whether it would be too much. However, I can alter my schedule down to two days a week instead of four. I will also stop working at my second location altogether. That would mean working a total of 47 hours a week, which doesn’t seem all that time consuming.
I leave room to be wrong, I know that I tend to bite off more than I can chew. However, I think everything is worth a try. If it doesn’t work, I’m fine with dropping down into a pool position and just helping out whenever they need me. The most important element of having two jobs is that I get two days off a week. Currently, I have had one day off every two weeks and that isn’t enough for me. It’s just not sustainable. Moving forward, I’m switching it up and moving toward making a life where I am.
I hope that you’re having a great day. I hope that your day is filled with joy, positivity, and laughter. I hope you find peace, love, and happiness.