I Made $500 in 5 Days
No, I’m not kidding. Yes, I made $500 in 5 days. This isn’t a trick or a scam. I simply sold stuff I didn’t need. This is super easy. Everything I sold was through Facebook Marketplace. It came with a lot of frustration but I’m still getting orders for things daily. The best part, I haven’t used any of this stuff in YEARS. So what did my process look like? How can you make $500 in 5 days? Follow this guide and you’ll be well on your way.
- Start Sorting
Go through everything you have. From clothes to travel gear! My biggest ticket item was a saxophone. You can sell anything and everything. You just have to know how to market what you have. So go through everything and create a sell pile. This is also a great time to go through and donate what you don’t think will sell. It’s Winter and there are a lot of people that could benefit from extra toiletries, blankets, coats, etc.
- Take Photos
Find a good place to take your photos. Try to find great lighting and showcase what the item truly is. I find that buyers are much more responsive when you’re upfront with flaws. In my experience, things that seem too good to be true often are. So make sure your photos look good but are honest.
- Write Compelling Descriptions
This is where the actual work takes place in my mind. It’s tedious and somewhat frustrating at times. Listing items is a challenge in itself. The description is key for most people though. Make sure you highlight the possibilities of each item. List the downfall but use a compliment sandwich. If you offer shipping, you can reach a lot more people! Also, set realistic prices. Don’t undersell your items but be honest about it’s worth. Try to set the asking price a little higher than what you want. That way when they barder (and they will) you’ll get what you originally wanted for the item.
- Be Responsive
Take care of your mental health, don’t be on your phone 24/7. You can be really responsive to buyers without constantly being distracted. Schedule times to look at your phone throughout the day. Set boundaries and respect your space but be available to interested people. That way, you can set things up for them automatically. They’ll be able to purchase in minutes once the listing is updated to your agreement.
- Ship Quickly
I’ve gotten my best ratings for shipping things quickly. This resulted in high overall ratings that boost my items on the page. As a seller, ratings are great because it alerts a buyer to whether they can trust you. If you ship at a consistent time, alert them of that when they’re buying. Say, “I go to the post office to ship at XYZ time. If you’d like to have your item shipped today, please place the order by XYZ time. Otherwise, it’ll ship tomorrow.” Set realistic expectations for the buyers.
All of these tips are self explanatory. However, it really would’ve helped me to know these things when I first started selling. This is an easy way to make cash relatively quickly. It’s not a sure fire way or a steady income, but it’s something. Let me know how your sales go!
I hope you’re having an amazing day. I hope your day is filled with joy, laughter, and positivity. I hope you find peace, love, and happiness.