A Year of Blogging
I can’t believe it but I’ve been blogging for a full year. I finally took the plunge last year after medically withdrawing from the semester. At the time, I was concerned about my neurological health. The possibility of a progressive disease was looming in the distance. It was an incredibly intense time and starting a blog felt like a way to regain control and speak my truth. I can’t thank my brother enough for helping me in this endeavor.
Let’s look back at the past year. I found out that my form of dysautonomia is not progressive. That was a big win. I got my tonsils removed after a very close call. Both positives and negatives there. Since getting my tonsils removed I’ve only had a few episodes of throat swelling. More importantly, no episodes that landed me in the hospital. I had hip surgery to fix my left hip. Crush and I graduated as a service dog team. I managed to complete both my spring and summer school semesters without issue. I took a trip with my mom out to Indiana. I got my neurostimulator implanted. I had almost a complete resolution of urological symptoms. I started fall semester with covid safe zoom lectures. I moved my mom to Indiana. I got my wisdom teeth removed. I found out I need another hip surgery and I started physical therapy again.
Those are the highlights. I’m sure I missed things but It’s been one crazy year. We are going through a pandemic. We now have a new president elect. I cannot believe everything that has taken place in such a short amount of time. My life looks completely different than it did a year ago. It’s so much more hopeful and optimistic. I’m less symptomatic with better treatment. I have Crush which has made a world of difference.
I’m so grateful for this space on the internet. It may never grow bigger than it is now and I’m okay with that. This is my corner of the internet. It’s a safe place for those with chronic illness to feel less alone. It’s a place for my family and friends to stay updated about my life. It’s a place for random individuals to find reviews about water bottles and period products. It’s my safe place to speak my mind and advocate for those with disabilities.
As I venture on in my career, I learn more and more about the need for disability advocates. There is so much that the general population doesn’t know. Their ignorance is a result of a system that oppresses the voices of those who are different. We’re here and if you try to quiet us, we’ll just get louder. Everyone has a story to tell.
I hope your day is filled with positivity, joy, and laughter. I hope that you find peace, love, and happiness.

One Comment
Always great to read your thoughts. Keep it going. And positive loving kindness your way.