Ways to Celebrate The Holidays in Quarantine
I have been really struggling with how to make Christmas feel special in quarantine. Thanksgiving was difficult. I was alone and didn’t have anything to do. I ended up decorating the house for Christmas. I was grateful I could do that at the very least. Looking at Christmas, I wanted to write out a list for how I could make this truly feel like a holiday. Even if it won’t look like any of the years previous.
- Holiday Music
When I think about the best way to get in the holiday spirit, music is the first thing that comes to mind. Whether you’re in the mood for it or not, put it on! I think it will automatically prepare you to celebrate the Christmas/holiday spirit.
- Bake Cookies
One of my favorite holiday traditions is baking cookies. It always makes me feel extra festive. I enjoy everything from making the dough to decorating. Although you may need to make a smaller batch, this is something very doable. You can make gingerbread cookies. Dip them in some eggnog and you’ll automatically feel festive. Or you’ll feel sick….depending on your opinion on eggnog.
- Call Family and Friends
Reach out to people. I know that it looks different but include people in your holiday. It’s important that we stay in touch with loved ones. Socializing looks like zoom calls now but a cookie party is never a bad idea. Set up your camera and everyone can bake together. Set up an Instagram poll and make it a competition. There are so many ways to keep people involved.
- Watch Christmas Movies
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc. all have some great Christmas movies to watch. If you’re sick of the classics, try out some of the Netflix originals. Make a drinking game out of the cliché themes! Again, include your friends and see who gets drunk the fastest. Have a watch party or call periodically throughout the movie. Be creative!
- Do Something Special
It’s important to distinguish the day. Do something you wouldn’t do on a normal day. You can make a special meal, play video games, or just stay in your pajamas. Do whatever will make you say, “That was fun.” Observe those traditions for special events. Then if you liked what you did, you can do it again for New Year’s Eve.
I realize that these ideas aren’t perfect. I wish I had more ideas. Like you, I’m rolling with the punches and learning as I go. Let me know if you’re doing any of these things. If you have any ideas on how to make Christmas special, let me know! I’d love to hear what you’re doing for the holidays.
I hope you’re having a good day. I hope that your day is filled with joy, positivity, and laughter. I hope you find peace, love, and happiness.