Our Flight to Nowhere
Recently Crush and I went on an expedition. Okay, that might be an exaggeration. In reality, we went through more training. This training was particularly exciting. It was preparation for being able to travel together. I think most people get overwhelmed when flying. I typically fly alone and have adapted to that well. Now I have Crush and we have to learn how to travel together.
I am so grateful to Can Do Canines for the opportunity to go through this “class.” So how do you prepare to travel with a service dog? We went to the airport and did a dry run. Hence the “flight to nowhere.” Can Do Canines has an incredible relationship with MSP airport. They allowed us to get gate passes and practices boarding and exiting a fake plane. This also gave us the opportunity to go through security together.
Security was an interesting challenge. I didn’t know how it would work with my neurostimulator. Of course, everything they warned me about after surgery I completely forgot. Add Crush to that mix and I was lost. Luckily, they walked me through the process. TSA had me opt out of the metal detector and get a pat down instead. Although this isn’t my first choice, it did make my life easier. Crush gets to stay in harness during this entire process. We both got drug swabbed and after ten minutes, we were on our way.
Crush rode on the tram. He did amazing, as usual. Then we found our way to the “plane.” Really, it’s an empty storage room with real plane seats. It took us a few tries to get everything situated. After Crush found his spot, he snuggled up nicely. Crush was distracted by the other dogs, the bustling airport, and children walking around. He was able to constantly refocus his attention though. He did so much better than I anticipated.
It was great practice for him but even better practice for me. They gave us tons of tips on how to practice getting into seats at home. They told us what regulations will look like in the future. Everything that I had a question about, they were able to answer! Crush and I were so grateful for this opportunity. If you have any questions about traveling with your SD, let me know. I’ll do my best to relay information I learned.
I hope you’re having a great day. I hope your day is filled with joy, positivity, and laughter. I hope you find peace, love, and happiness.

One Comment
Michelle L Franz-Lisser
That’s fabulous, great practice for both of you. Really gives peace of mind to have practice runs on it.