• Helpful Hints,  My Experience

    I Did A Podcast!

    I had the amazing opportunity to be on The Bladder Battle Podcast! You can stream it anywhere you listen to podcasts! Click the link below to stream it on Youtube. We address so much within the podcast. Everything from my journey through chronic illness, to having a service dog. Of course we talk in depth about my bladder issues and my experience with incontinence. This is an amazing and safe space to learn about issues that most people feel are a sensitive topic. I am so grateful for this opportunity and can’t wait for you to listen! I hope you’re having a good day. I hope your day is filled…

  • Helpful Hints

    How Crush Helps With Surgery Recovery

    Crush has been incredibly helpful throughout all my surgeries. Although, most of the time after surgery he can’t perform his regular tasks, he can still help. So what does that look like? Here’s how my service dog helps me after surgery! Get Help This is a big one. Crush is trained to go and find someone in my house. I can simply say, “get help” and he’ll find someone and nudge them until they follow him back to me. This can be helpful if I’ve fallen or simply can’t get to my phone.  Retrieve Crush usually has retrieving tasks. Picking stuff up off the ground is incredibly strenuous for me…

  • My Experience

    I’m Starting a Youtube Channel

    I’m in the process of trying to start a Youtube channel. After taking a poll on instagram, it’s clear that Youtube is an accessible platform. It can also reach the largest audience. I’d love to be able to grow my advocacy beyond my Instagram and blog. I love both and I am excited at the prospect of expansion.  Please be patient with me while I’m in this transition phase. By no means am I accustomed to editing, filming, or technologically savvy in any way. That being said, I am trying my hardest to get it started as quickly as possible. In my ideal world, I’d love to have blog posts…

  • Helpful Hints

    Five Post Surgery Distractions

    If you’re like me, all you want after surgery is distraction. It’s easy to wallow in the pain and get lost in napping. Although I appreciate letting my body rest, it’s helpful to have distractions when I’m all rested. So here are some ways that I like to distract myself post surgery! Writing I really enjoy writing. Whether it be journalling, writing blog articles, or working on a project, writing is a good outlet. It can be difficult to get started, especially if the pain is intense. Once I find my rhythm though it’s easy to get into a flow state of mind. Not only is that helpful to alleviate…