How to Prepare for Removing Your Wisdom Teeth
I only recently got my wisdom teeth removed. I will be the first to say that I didn’t prepare super well. Unlike most surgeries, I assumed this one would be easy to recover from. I wasn’t wrong but I wasn’t right either. It still took a tremendous toll on my body. I forgot to stock up on everything that would’ve helped me recover. In an attempt to save you from my own mistakes, here’s how to prepare for your wisdom teeth surgery.
- Buy Soft Foods
I’m sure that your oral surgeon will warn you about this but I missed the memo. It didn’t even cross my mind. Luckily, I bought yogurt and vegan mac and cheese by chance the day before. You will want soft foods. Also, the first day I didn’t eat anything because opening my mouth wasn’t an option. Buy Gatorade or something with electrolytes to keep you hydrated.
- Prepare to Sleep
I had my surgery done in the hospital because of my various medical issues. I wasn’t prepared to be put under general anesthesia but that’s what happened. For most people, you won’t have this issue. You will be extremely sleepy though. I attempted to get homework done on the day of my surgery and let me tell you, that was a mistake. I’d highly suggest taking the day off and the next day as well, if you can swing it.
- Gargle Salt Water/ Brush Your Teeth
I was told I wasn’t allowed to brush my teeth for twenty four hours after surgery. I woke up the next morning and my mouth tasted like blood and mashed potatoes. It was a weird and nauseating combo. I’d highly recommend brushing your teeth as soon as possible. Take the instructions to gargle seriously. You’d be shocked at how much can get stuck in your mouth. It’s disgusting.
- Stay on Top of Medication
This is something I struggle with. If you follow my blog, you know that I really don’t like to take pain medication. I refused narcotics for my surgery and recovery. I did this for personal reasons. They stressed to me the importance of at least taking tylenol to ease swelling and pain. I stuck it out for almost twenty four hours without medication but the pain got to me. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t talk, and couldn’t function. At that point my only option was pain medication. Don’t neglect your body during recovery, it needs extra help.
- Use Ice
I was really bad at icing. It’s important though. My face didn’t puff up horribly but it was definitely swollen. The ice really does ease swelling which ultimately eases pain. I’d switch out your ice every twenty minutes. That was what I was told. Twenty minutes of ice on and twenty minutes with ice off. Keep that cycle going for at least a day or two.
All of these tips are something I’d hope your oral surgeon has told you. If you’re anything like me, you probably wanted to hear it from someone with personal experience. I like to know what I’m actually getting into before these types of things. Will it be what they say or something completely different? I’d say for this surgery it’s pretty straight forward. It’s not the worst surgery but it’s not the best. It is what it is.