A Review of Zenni
This year, instead of going to the Target optical, I decided to try Zenni’s. I was hesitant to pick out glasses online because I didn’t know what the end result would be. After talking to someone who had used the website before I decided to go for it and take a leap of faith. So here are my impressions of buying prescription glasses from Zenni:
- The Shopping Experience
There are so many options. I spent a collective 7-8 looking for glasses over several days. I took the face shape quiz twice and got two different answers. That wasn’t very helpful. Then I shopped by color, thinking I would be adventurous and try something bold. After looking through a lot of glasses, I landed on fifteen pairs that I tried on virtually. Again, I did the virtual try-on twice. The first one left every pair of glasses looking tiny compared to my face. The second made the glasses look huge. I settled using the second attempt because it gave me a much better gauge of the glasses.
- The Buying Experience
I thought I would have to jump a lot of hoops to verify my prescription. I didn’t, I typed in what the doctor gave me. It was simple. I have bifocals. I had a bit of concern about how well the progressive lens would be fitted to the glasses. All and all it was easy going step by step in the type of lenses and protection I wanted. I ordered them with express shipping, mostly because I’m impatient. Express shipping is supposed to arrive in 7-10 days. Although some places it says 7-12 for the United States. On day 7, I chose to contact Zenni because I had yet to get a tracking number. The information that said my glasses were manufactured. They appeared to be sitting waiting to be shipped for multiple days. Normally, I would chalk this up to a COVID delay but they insist they have no delays due to the pandemic. I got my glasses on the tenth day! I was so relieved they came within the time frame I expected. When I pay extra for shipping I am much more prone to insisting they come on time.
- My Thoughts
I’m shocked but I like all the pairs I bought. I ordered one pair for every day, one pair for dressed-up occasions, and one pair of sunglasses. They came in perfect condition. The cases aren’t great but I don’t mind that. My bifocals are well fitted to the frames. The struggle I have is that they aren’t fitted behind my ear so they can slide down but I’m sure I can get that fixed somewhere. Normally, my pair of glasses and sunglasses cost around $500-$700. That is crazy-expensive. I paid $200 for all three pairs and express shipping. I even got extra oil and water protection for my sunglasses.
I would suggest Zenni. For me, it cut out a lot of indecisive awkward hours at the optical trying on a million pairs of glasses. The virtual try-on isn’t an exact science but it gives you a decent idea of how the glasses will look. The company was pleasant to work with and I see no issues with the buying process.