• My Experience

    Chronic Illness Grief and Being Chosen

    The other day I was struggling with chronic illness grief. It’s something I’ve dealt with since getting sick. Everyone goes through it when they get sick, it just comes with different labels. I was experiencing loss. Loss of freedom, loss of innocence, and loss of who I used to be. As we change over time, we will always experience emotions towards who we were before we grew. Whether they’re happy, sad, angry, or all of the above is completely unique to you. During this grief, I started thinking about how spontaneous I could be before. Not that spontaneity is really my thing but I used to be able to do…

  • My Opinions

    Pill Organizer Review

    I take medication multiple times a day. I’ve always used a small pill container to organize my morning and nightly medications. Overtime, my lifestyle has outgrown it. I take medication at three different times throughout the day. Setting out my nightly pills and morning pills at the same time worked for a while but posed challenges. Particularly when I go out, I have to put all my medications together in front of people. It’s cumbersome and time consuming. It also raises a lot of questions. During the day, I take my medication and sometimes forget whether I took it or not. I was on the hunt for a better solution.…

  • My Experience

    My Medication Philosophy

    Let me start off by saying, this is how I handle using medication. It is right for me and my body. I’m not suggesting that this is right for everyone or that it is a universal truth. I don’t want to offend or infer that others are overusing their medication. I don’t deal with chronic pain and cannot speak to that experience AT ALL. That is completely different from what I am talking about. This is what is right for me. My view on medication has changed over the years. It’s grown, as I have. When I was young, I didn’t handle discomfort well. I chose to take medication whenever…