Helpful Hints

  • Helpful Hints

    Signs You Are Overwhelmed

    Being able to notice when you are overworked or overwhelmed can be extremely helpful. Not only can it prevent burn out but it’s a great way to keep in touch with yourself. There are some key things to notice. Our bodies may all be different but certain systems alert in similar ways. You may experience some of the following if you are overwhelmed. Tension Realizing tension can tell you a lot about what you’re feeling. If your shoulders are up to your ears, you are probably carrying a lot more than you realize. There are excellent body scans to help you analyze this. A great way to start is just…

  • Helpful Hints

    Five Must Haves for POTs Patients

    There are a lot of things I have specifically for my medical condition. I wanted to outline a few things that I have that are for my POTs. These were helpful for both before and after I was diagnosed. If you’re new to the diagnosis or you think you might have it, considering investing in these tools. Here are five must haves for POTs patients. Pulse Ox I got my pulse Ox monitor only recently. I was relying on my apple watch to tell me my heart rate. 99% of the time my watch is accurate. The oxygen saturation component is particularly helpful and not offered on my watch. When…

  • Helpful Hints

    The Difference Between ESAs and Service Dogs

    This topic has been especially relevant to me lately. Two separate times in the past month, this has come up. I want to clarify that emotional support animals and service dogs are not the same thing. In fact, they aren’t in the same realm. Emotional support animals are exactly what they sound like. They provide emotional support. The only rights they have are to live in buildings that don’t allow pets. They have absolutely no public access rights. Why is this? To qualify to be an ESA your animal requires no training. They are simply approved by your mental health professional or a medical professional. If you register them online,…

  • Helpful Hints

    My Experience With Beta Blockers and POTs

    I’ve had POTs for several years now. Only one of those years was it untreated. Beta blockers were a game changer for me. I was able to have a lot of success with them. I have been on two different beta blockers, metoprolol and propranolol. Both of these had different effects and different results. One thing to keep in mind while reading is that I get both tachycardic, as well as bradycardic. This fact is really important for me in dosing and management. It changes my experience because of my significant highs and significant lows. Let me dive into the specifics of both and my experience. Propranolol I am on…

  • Helpful Hints

    Dating With a Disability

    Let me start off by saying, talking about dating makes me uncomfortable. It’s not something I share a lot about because it’s such a personal experience. That being said, when I first started dating after having health problems, I was lost. I wish I had an article like this to turn to. I wanted to share what has made my life easier with dating. I’ve fallen into a lot of pitfalls and I want to save you that frustration and heartache. Be Upfront This is a really difficult balance. I want to ensure my safety but also be clear that I have a disability. For me, I find that not…

  • Helpful Hints

    Qualities I Look For In Friends

    If chronic illness has taught me anything, it is choose your friends wisely. We are all equals but some people are much kinder than others. I know this article isn’t like my usual ones but I think it’s important to talk about. It’s easy to cling onto people when friends are sparse. Easy friends are often the ones to leave when life gets difficult. I grow close to people that I imagine will be there for me in a crisis. It’s not a full proof plan but these are some of the qualities I look for. Empathy I think that this is the most important. Empathy is essential to walking…

  • Helpful Hints

    Easy Ways to Clear Your Mind

    I think everyone needs more resets lately. Personally, with school and everything I have going on, I do. I’ve found what works to clear my head and I thought I’d share it here with you. On the off chance you don’t know how to step back, try some of these tips! Let me know what works for you.  Clean Your space is a projection of your mind. If it’s cluttered and overwhelming, there’s no doubt that you’re probably in overdrive. Take a second to tidy up. Even if it’s not a deep clean. Take the opportunity to slow down and focus on your space. It will likely get you into…

  • Helpful Hints

    Five Businesses That Spread Dysautonomia Awareness

    It’s still Dysautonomia awareness month!! I wanted to highlight a couple businesses that are run by those living with Dysautonomia. This is a great way to spread the word about Dysautonomia. It also supports those who live with a chronic condition. I really hope you find something you like, if you don’t go over and support their social media. All of their links are below! Spoonie Sister Shop This Etsy store is tailored to spreading awareness about rare chronic conditions. All of their items are cute, fashionable and affordable. Personally, I’m a big fan of the “Pumpkin Spice and No Unsolicited Medical Advice” shirt! Grace and Brace I bought my…

  • Helpful Hints

    How to Prepare for Removing Your Wisdom Teeth

    I only recently got my wisdom teeth removed. I will be the first to say that I didn’t prepare super well. Unlike most surgeries, I assumed this one would be easy to recover from. I wasn’t wrong but I wasn’t right either. It still took a tremendous toll on my body. I forgot to stock up on everything that would’ve helped me recover. In an attempt to save you from my own mistakes, here’s how to prepare for your wisdom teeth surgery. Buy Soft Foods I’m sure that your oral surgeon will warn you about this but I missed the memo. It didn’t even cross my mind. Luckily, I bought…

  • Helpful Hints

    How to Stay Consistent with a Busy Schedule

    The Fall semester is in full swing. I’ve already had multiple papers due. I’m filled with to-do lists. Throughout this semester, it’s been difficult to be consistent with my schedule. This has caused me to be living in a reaction state rather than a proactive state. It has been a trial and error process of finding ways to keep consistency. I have not mastered this but I’ve found what works. More importantly, I have found what doesn’t work. Know How You’re Motivated This is really important. I am a self starter. If I tell myself I’ll do something, there’s a 90% chance I’ll do it. Knowing that about myself, I…